Music by Giacomo Puccini
Adaptation for marionette theatre by Eugenio Monti Colla
Direction Eugenio Monti Colla

Puppeteers: Eugenio Monti Colla, Franco Citterio, Maria Grazia Citterio, Piero Corbella, Camillo Cosulich, Debora Coviello, Cecilia Di Marco, Tiziano Marcolegio, Sheila Perego, Giovanni Schiavolin, Paolo Sette.
Marionette theatre, since the emergence of the post-romantic world, has respectfully stood still. Themes that are too important and suffered for the wooden heads and their mechanical and repetitive expressiveness. Thus the world of Puccini has always been preserved from all incursions, but how to resist the explosive charm and the countless difficulties of Turandot? The fable laced with cruelty and death has an irresistible air. Desperate unrequited love, a Prince held prisoner by the blind egoism of his passion and a haughty Princess who denies herself the joys of love. Above all a score full of light and shadow, obsessive, rich with colour, tormenting and heavy with mystery. How to resist the desire to see how the world of marionettes can stage such a work with respect and enthusiastic faith?
Milan, Teatro Grassi
26, 27, 28 June, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19 July 2015
English and Italian surtitling, from the Italian original,
by Prescott Studio and Montclair State University, NJ, USA, as part of the project
> L’arte del compromesso
> TVAC – Inserra Chair / Montclair State University
> Donatella Codonesu – La Voce di New York, march 21, 2015